Dance With the Unkown

Adam French
2 min readMar 25, 2022

Our fears of the unknown are fears of growth. That interaction on the street that could’ve been but you were too scared to make eye contact. The impulse to try a new activity but you keep procrastinating. The unknown is the invisible friend from childhood that you slowly lost touch with but is still waiting for you, lovingly, to step into it’s embrace. We’ve all been trained to fear the unknown, and to cut it out of our lives. We need to know how people think about us. Need to know where our next check is going to come from. Need to know where we’re going to be in 3–5 years. Need to know the ROI of each investment. We’re looking for certainty from companies, governments, our friends, and ourselves.

Now, more than ever, the unknown looms ahead in the next 5–10 years. The monetary system is changing. Trust in our current democratic structures seems to be at an all time low. People hunger for change. But this change comes with a large dose of the unknown. New ways of buying, living, voting, saving, and building communities present exciting opportunities for those who are used to playing with the unknown. For those that cling to certainty, it’s all incredibly scary and new. If we continue to cling to certainty and choose to let fear keep us away from the unknown, there will likely come a time where there’s nothing left to cling to, and we’re thrown into the depths of massive systemic change on a social…



Adam French

Regenerative Design + Entrepreneurship + Personal Development & Spirituality. Want to jam? Hit me up