Integration = Innovation

Adam French
2 min readJan 31, 2022

Integration. It’s a concept that our society based on separation and silos is in dire need of. Integration of research, design, and launch. Integration of thought, emotion and action. Integration of masculine and feminine. When we look to integrate things we’ve previously seen as separate, we stumble upon genius, something outlined in the classic book the Medici effect.

Currently, our western societal structure is built on separation. Politically, the separation between left and right. Medically, the separation between mental, physical, and spiritual health. Financially, separation between the common man and meaningful ownership of wealth and property.

What if this separation was the root of the issues that come out of our current systems? Widespread political discontent. Skyrocketing mental health issues. Increased chronic illness. Pervasive income inequality.

When we separate concepts, systems, or ideas, we introduce more baseline complexity. This complexity decreases the chance of solving a problem or creating a specific outcome in a holistic manner, because “holistic” or “comprehensive” solutions inherently atrophy when built on the principles of separation. How do we create “holistic” health solutions if the solution treats our mind as separate from our body?

Integration requires us to see the perspectives created by separation from a wider lens and weave them together using the patterns and commonalities found in the previously separate perspectives.



Adam French
Adam French

Written by Adam French

Regenerative Design + Entrepreneurship + Personal Development & Spirituality. Want to jam? Hit me up

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