Our Land

Adam French
2 min readOct 9, 2021

A future of shared abundance. Diverse prosperity. Empathizing to elevate the beauty of our differences.

I wake up, and walk outside. Enjoying the chirp of the birds, the enthusiastic buzz of the insects. Peace and stillness lies thick in the air, with no motor vehicles and random yelling to disrupt it.

I’m joined by my tribe, beautiful souls draped in an abundant variety of shapes, colors, and ways of being in this world. Interacting with them grows my perspective and makes me see the world with a different lens, exposing beauty previously unseen.

We dance. We laugh. We’re present with each other and mother nature. We lap up every aspect that this moment has to give us. Our being is meditation. Healing.

We gather our breakfast from the nearby community garden, getting swept up in delightful side conversations with our neighbors in between our grateful harvest from the mango and avocado trees, from the chickens who so generously provide us with their eggs.

After preparing our food, we eat outside to the calm waves on the shore. Every bite tastes slightly different, slightly more delicious. We are full.

After eating, it’s time to do our work. Certainly not the face-to-the-screen zombie work that was normal before. Some of us work with the land. Others work to heal people. Others sketch out ideas and…



Adam French

Regenerative Design + Entrepreneurship + Personal Development & Spirituality. Want to jam? Hit me up adam@interform.space