Regen Industry Radar 08/15

Adam French
2 min readAug 16, 2022

This is the first post of a regular series that shares what the brilliant minds at Design Regeneration Agency find during our on-going research into purpose driven collectives, mental frameworks, and web3 tools to build regenerative systems.

We’ve got two discord channels, regen-research-and-theory and industry-radar, where we compile awesome readings, organizations, and other resources to apply in our mission to design regeneration. I’ll post the most relevant findings here, with a summary of why they’re cool 🌳.

Lunarpunk- The Dark Side of the Cycle

A very artistic and thoughtful video shared by Caroline that contrasts the mindset of lunarpunk — preparing for worst case regulation scenarios with anonymity and user identity protection — with solarpunk — creating boldly transparent systems that are more fragile in worst-case scenarios. It makes the case for integrating the “crypto shadow self” of lunarpunk protection and preparation with the solarpunk optimism.

This concept of building anonymity and self-protection into crypto is especially important with the recent sanctioning of tornado cash.



Adam French

Regenerative Design + Entrepreneurship + Personal Development & Spirituality. Want to jam? Hit me up